Host an Invest in Justice Action

In the U.S., Palestine, and around the world—our government is bankrolling billions to anti-Black, Islamophobic, and anti-Palestinian institutions like U.S. police departments and the Israeli military. From the murders of George Floyd to Ahmed Erakat, we can no longer endure the status quo.

Following in the footsteps of the Movement for Black Lives, we are launching a new effort—Invest in Justice—to demand investment in healthcare, safety, education, housing, and environmental justice for our communities and a divestment from violence, occupation, annexation, and apartheid.

To make this work happen we are asking individuals across the country to create inclusive events to collectively learn, build our movements, and/or demand our lawmakers #InvestinJustice from the U.S. to Palestine. Use the form below to create an inclusive event and we will follow-up with all the materials you will need to lead your community into taking action.

Hosting your own event is a simple way to bridge our struggles for liberation and make an impact on a local and national level.

You have the friends, networks, and communities who can get more involved, and we can offer an organizing toolkit that makes teach-ins, digital call-ins, phonebanking & text-banking, and creative, social media ready actions easy.

Can’t host your own event? Click here to search for pre-existing events to attend near you.

    Host contact information

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      Event information

      Double-check date, time, and action type before you submit!

      Event location

      Event description

      Public description
      People will see this description before signing up for your event.
      Optional — Note to attendees
      Attendees will only see this once they've chosen to sign up for your event.
      If you have a Facebook or evite link, include it here
      Next, we'll e-mail you a link to confirm your event.
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