Mass graves. Shutting off water and electricity to civilians. Seizing and occupying homes and communities.
What do these have in common? Besides bordering on war crimes, all of these are tactics being promoted in a new report by the notorious Daniel Pipes—arguably one of the foremost architects of the greater Islamophobia industry.1
At least two members of Congress—Ron DeSantis (R-FL) and Bill Johnson (R-OH)—will be attending the forum hosted by Pipes, celebrating the launch of a "Congressional Israel Victory Caucus" and the release of his hate-riddled paper, The Way to Peace: Israeli Victory, Palestinian Defeat.2
It's terrifying to see these calls for extreme and oppressive policies being celebrated on Capitol Hill—or anywhere else, really. That's why we're demanding that any member of Congress with a conscience explicitly promise to avoid this event on Thursday—and anything associated with Daniel Pipes.
For Daniel Pipes, advocating for hate against Muslims and Arabs is nothing new.
In a 1990 article in National Review, he wrote, “Fears of a Muslim influx have more substance than the worry about jihad. Western European societies are unprepared for the massive immigration of brown-skinned peoples cooking strange foods and maintaining different standards of hygiene."3
In 2010, he joined with other radical anti-Muslim figures in opposition to the Park51 community center—slandered as the "Ground Zero mosque"—saying it “carries the unmistakable odor of Islamic triumphalism.”4
Now, Pipes's bigotry has reached a fever pitch with this new report calling for devastating tactics that could lead to war crimes against the Palestinian people.
Far from joining him in celebrating his report, all members of Congress should be speaking out against Pipes—anything short of that would be a tacit approval of the tactics and ideology that he represents.
Tell your member of Congress today—boycott and speak up against Daniel Pipes and his launch event.

1. "The Way to Peace: Israeli Victory, Palestinian Defeat" Daniel Pipes, Jan 2017
2. "Announcing the 'Congressional Israel Victory Caucus'" Middle East Forum, Apr 2017
3. "Reflections on an Islamic Center in Lower Manhattan" National Review, Aug 2010
4. "The Muslims are coming! The Muslims are coming! - growth of Muslimphobia" National Review, Nov 1990